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Cisco Unity Connection greeting administrator
Cisco Unity Connection greeting administrator
I had created a call handler with x100 that would play greetings based on TOD and holiday schedules and if open would transfer a caller to x105 which would be a reception queue. (Yeah I know, 3 digit extensions, bloody terrible, even more if you realise that this is a real implementation I did!). As you can see the actual greetings are played from x100 whereas that extension does not actually live on a physical phone. So you need a mechanism that would allow someone like a receptionist to administer the greetings that are played on call handler x100, and the Greeting administrator does just that! It will also allow, for instance, a receptionist to record an ad hoc message that can be played as an alternate greeting (something like “welcome to DogMeat Inc. our warehouse is flooded, please take your business elsewhere, goodbye”).
Figure 1 – Direct Routing Rule Greeting Administrator |
Fig.2.- Direct Routing rule conditions |
Step 1 On the phone, dial the phone number for access to the Cisco Unity Greetings Administrator. (I used 11748 in my example)
Step 2 At the prompt, enter the ID of the call handler owner, and press #.
Please Note that the ID=the CUC extension!!!!
Step 3 At the prompt, enter the password of the call handler owner, and press #.
This password is the same as the pin to access personal voicemail of the user.
Step 4 At the prompt, enter the extension of the call handler, and press #.
(I used 47885 in my example)
Step 5 If the call handler you selected in Step 4 is configured to inherit the caller language and there is more than one language installed on your Connection system, at the prompt, press the number of the language
in which to edit greetings for the call handler. (Connection plays the Greetings menu options in the same language.)
Step 6 Follow the Cisco Unity Greetings Administrator conversation to toggle between the alternate and standard call handler greetings, or to record the call handler greeting.